Circuit Workout for More Upper Body Muscle

Written By admin on Thursday, April 3, 2014 | 2:39 PM

Use this at-home circuit for an instant upgrade to a beach-worthy build.

As the nation thaws from one of the most brutal winters on record, chances are that the increasing days of sunshine will prompt even those in colder climates to look for any excuse to throw a pool party. And when the call comes, you had better be ready.

In addition to what we will assume to be a regular battery of regular workouts and strict diet, you can also benefit from the occasional quick pump routine that fills out muscle bellies and generally gives you a tighter look.

This upper body/abdominal circuit is a great workout for targeting your core, chest, back, triceps, and shoulders – all of which happen to be physique gold around the pool. If you are strapped for time, this workout will target a majority of the upper body with no equipment needed while still building muscle.

The cornerstone of this routine, which consist of mostly familiar moves, is the hand-to-thigh plank. This exercise is performed by positioning your hands and feet at shoulder width apart, arms at full extension, just as you would in the top of a push-up. While keeping your body straight and core tight, you will bring one arm at a time into slap your same-side thigh. Alternate hand slaps on each side being careful not to sway or drop your hips.

Door-to-door, this workout should cost you 20 minutes – a worthy investment for turning a few heads at your next clothing-optional engagement.


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