Action Plan: The 6-Week Expendables Workout

Written By admin on Friday, August 15, 2014 | 8:11 AM

health insurance deductible

Our comprehensive, six-week workout program to get you action hero strong and shredded.

Expendable Elements

Looking shredded while performing like an athlete onscreen takes a blend of qualities everyone wants to possess. You want to be lean, muscular, and agile. With that in mind, we added the following elements to the program

Everything from chase scenes to beating up bad guys depends on fast-twitch muscle fibers. Plyometrics and med ball throws performed early in each session increase athleticism and power output.
Muscle Size
No other training method can help you build action hero muscle like traditional bodybuilding; you’ll focus mostly on supersetting in the 5- to 12-rep range to increase strength and size.

A true action hero needs to go for days on end, so the exercise of choice here will be loaded carries (aka farmer’s walks) to help your body take a beating and keep going strong.


Not only does an action hero have to have big muscles, but they also need to be shredded. A good dose of high-intensity conditioning to finish each training session will strip unwanted body fat without sacrificing muscle. And while muscles need time to recover and grow, for the next six weeks you’ll need to a minimum of two additional weekly cardio sessions in addition to four days of weight training.


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